Metamorphosis partners with Creative Visions for fiscal sponsorship.

Immersive Climate Storytelling Project, Metamorphosis, partners with Creative Visions for fiscal sponsorship.

April 22, 2024

Eye Q Productions is excited to announce that their new climate storytelling project, Metamorphosis, has partnered with Creative Visions, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that supports creative activists that use the arts and media to ignite social change, as their fiscal sponsor.

A fiscal sponsorship allows creators, Jenni Ogden and Carey Lundin, to raise funds for Metamorphosis from individuals, foundations as well as corporate and government sources that give to nonprofit organizations with IRS tax-exempt status. All donations towards the project through Creative Visions are fully tax deductible. 

Metamorphosis is a multi-format immersive climate storytelling project with a mobile app designed to create tangible impact in the physical world.

Creative Visions empowers creative activists worldwide to raise awareness of critical issues and drive positive change through impact storytelling - one of the most powerful tools we have for creating a more just, caring and sustainable world.

“We use the power of media and the arts to ignite positive social change” Kathy Eldon, Founder, Creative Visions.

Metamorphosis is created by Jenni Ogden, an award winning XR & creative producer focusing on new and emerging formats & technologies in entertainment, and Carey Lundin, and award winning environmental filmmaker, writer and parks creator.

“The story is centered on hope, inspiration and empowerment, and the app will send users into the real world with gamified tasks on behalf of our environment,” says Lundin “our impact is of course environmental, but also extends to the health and well being of young people who are experiencing high levels of climate anxiety, much of which is due to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness around climate change.”

“By inspiring young people through our story, and then empowering them to take action through the mobile app, we’re literally handing  them to tools, information and a voice in their futures,”  adds Ogden “through Metamorphosis we have the opportunity to impact the health of the planet, animals and our kids, amplifying their voices through One App to Save the World and supporting a generation of hopeful, healthy environmental activists and influencers.”

The creative, script and a clear roadmap to impact have been developed for Metamorphosis, and we’re ready to go into production and development of the mobile app, with the goal of presenting the full dome film & showcasing One App to Save the World at environmental and Earth Day festivals by this time next year.

Visit: for more information and to make a donation.

Eye Q Productions

“Creating a better world, one story at a time!”

Jenni Ogden